Friday, January 20, 2006

Today, We Dance!

Steve lived in the far northern reaches of Ohio. Together, Lauren and I journeyed to his home for a long weekend. There we met his family, including his grandparents. Lovely people.
When the issue of sleeping arrangements arose, Steve told me, “I hope this doesn’t make you uncomfortable, but you are going to share a bed with me. My grandparents don’t know I’m gay, so if I share with Lauren as I normally would, it’s a scandal. If you and I sleep together, they just consider it fraternity."

Steve was one of three men with whom I shared a bed with that month. A record number for me.


Anonymous said...

After what seemed like eons off, you're back. And with a story about Me! No, it's not about me, but it should be. I'm delightfully interesting.

Anonymous said...

Testing, testing. Pee, pee, pee.

Anonymous said...

No shit! No shitting way! WOW!

I should say all the things I've tried to say before-- but I can't remember any of them. Thanks for letting me know what your job is, via text message, so promptly. I feel much better about things now. Much.