Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Today, I ate a ton at lunch.

To alphabetize things I need to recite the entire alphabet every time something starts with a new letter. To figure out what coast I live on I have to trace a little diamond in the air while saying “never eat shredded wheat”. I have still not figured out a good way to tell my left from my right or tell time on an analogue clock.


Anonymous said...

Brendon, Brendon. Always changing things, always needing to use hypertext markup language...

...Is hypertext really two words?

There is no way you'll get fired from your job as an "executive assistant." Not with your looks, at least. Just as long as you don't wear a navy blue suit. That's right, Brendon, the glass ceiling applies to YOU too-- except you need to use it as a mirror to make sure you don't have any fuzz on your lapel.

You wouldn't by any chance work for The Smithsonian, would you?

Also, I wouldn't worry about the directionality problems. I have those too, especially the right vs. left one. I also have other, more disabling problems (see my latest post) that may impair my ability to give urine to the government for drug testing. And it's not a drug problem! I swear!

Your Big Woodface picture doesn't work on your main page, but it does on your profile. Additionally, it says "remenber me?" with a little check box option next to it right below this very comment box. It's been a while since I've been menbered, so maybe I'll click it...

Anonymous said...

B, I check this once in a blue moon. I like the template a lot. Also, you're fired.

Anonymous said...

Why aren't any of our blogs under the classification "Blogs of Note?" Our blogs are better! They are well-written, cared after, and frequented by 5 or so people! Some of the "Blogs of Note" are really horrible and boring! I'm confused, jealous...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the clarification about the weird brown monsters.

Since Brendan hasn't posted here in awhile maybe we should take over this message board? Let me know what you think.

Anonymous said...

I find this format a little too modern, but if we buy a few adirondack chairs...

Actually, don't we have a few cast-iron skillets left over from our last message board?

Anonymous said...

Okay Brendon,
But what did you do TODAY?

Lena, I think we should find a mountain blog with a porch by a small private lake so we can watch the loons.

Anonymous said...

*deep sigh*

...We could raise a covey of quail. Yes, I would like that very much. I don't know if this is the right blog for us but I'm just so tired of moving all the time, you know?

Also, you've misspelled this blog author's name SO many times now that you've increased the blog's property value to perhaps outside of our reach. It is, at this point, a common misspelling. You've essentially legitimized the URL, thereby creating a "waterfront" message board.

Mackenzie, you're absolutely adorable.

Brendon, also adorable.

Anonymous said...

Ohh yes yes yes! Let's take it! I absolutely LOVE the renovations, and I LOVE spelling bees! When we adopt our Asian baby it will have something to excell at!

...And tiny quail-egg omelets to enjoy.